The patronage and supremacy exercised by the Erdődy family of Monyorókerék and Monoszló, using the example of the manor of Vép
Erdődy family, jus patronatus, right of patronage, Vép estateAbstract
The patronage of the Vép line of the Erdődy family of Monyorókerék and Monoszló is manifested in several ways. We would like to outline a yet unexamined aspect of this patronage activity of the family, through the example of the Vép manor. We will examine the way in which the rights and duties related to exercising patronage and supremacy over the parishes were manifested in two parishes of the estate.
The activities and obligations related to exercising patronage and supremacy have always occupied an important place in the life of the Erdődy family and the estate. According to the sources, the family lived up to fulfilling these duties throughout the centuries.
According to the scholarly definition, the rights of the patron can be classified into three groups: honorary, utilitarian, and other rights. In the study, these are illustrated with examples from the Vép estate.
Conference Proceedings Volume
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