Executive director: Prof dr. habil. Dienes Dénes

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. dr. habil. Judit Balogh

Publisher: Scientific Collections of the Reformed College of Sárospatak

The publisher's registered office: 3950 - Sárospatak, Rákóczi u. 1.; tel .: + 36-47-314-738; tel / fax .: + 36-47-311-057

Email: reftud@iif.hu

Email: mail@egyhaztortenetiszemle.hu

Technical Editing and Execution: James D. Doepp; István Tímári, Csaba Fazekas, from issue 2020/3: István Varga - vargaijanos@gmail.com

Website: Varga Webkiadó

ISSN: 1585-7476
ISSN (online): 1587-026X

Printing house: Maxima Cs-A Kft. Printing house, Miskolc. Managing director: Csilla Kundráth

Cover design: James D. Doepp. Slogan: "That Christ may bring His Church to a holy and eternal understaning." (Philip Melanchton)

First year of publication: 2000.
Frequency: 2 booklets per year (2000–2007), 4 booklets per year (from 2008), 400 copies per issue; and on the Internet: https://egyhaztortenetiszemle.hu
Church History Review can be ordered from the editorial office.
Scope of publications: church history, history of religion, ecclesiastical institutions, history of persons, religiosity, national and universal historical aspects of the state-church relationship in various ages.
Church History Review does not accept secondary publications.
Sections: studies, announcements, documents, papers from the “pulpit,” excerpts, reviews, reports, discussion.
Reviews: Publications within the scope of publication are welcome to the editorial office. (Without obligation to publish.)

The CrossRef DOI registration number of Church History Review is 10.54231, which has been in use starting with issue 2021/4.

From issue 2021/4, all articles are uploaded to REAL - Repository of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Since June 7, 2023, Church History Review has been indexed by ErihPlus.

Since June 18, 2023, we have been also using an ARK identifier, which will be applied retroactively to previous issues and publications.
The ARK identifier requested by Varga Webkiadó is as follows
for issues: 41386/etszemle.
for publications: 41386/ETSZEMLE.

Sherpa Romeo and DOAJ will archive all publications of the Church History Review from issue 2021/4.

Publication process


After the Church History Review uses the Open Journal System, it is now necessary for the authors to submit their studies and writings at http://egyhaztortenetiszemle.hu/ojs/index.php/e/about/submissions after registration. Please fill in your study according to the desired category, as well as fill in any attachments that the system requests or offers. If you have an Orcid registration, please enter it as well. Each author will also have their own author's page on the website, where their own studies and writings will be included.

Vol. 25 No. 1 (2024): Church History Review

Published: 2024-04-20

DOI: https://doi.org/10.54231/ETSZEMLE.2024.1.173
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54231/ETSZEMLE.2024.1.163

History of the Piarist estate between 1806 and 1848

János Balla (##default.groups.name.author##)


DOI: https://doi.org/10.54231/ETSZEMLE.2024.1.158

Reformation in Italy in the 16th century

Kristóf Hajnóczi (##default.groups.name.author##)


DOI: https://doi.org/10.54231/ETSZEMLE.2024.1.148
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54231/ETSZEMLE.2024.1.142

Lutheran theological education in Eperjes

Péter Kónya (##default.groups.name.author##)


DOI: https://doi.org/10.54231/ETSZEMLE.2024.1.175
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54231/ETSZEMLE.2024.1.167
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„Ut Christus ecclesiam suam... redigat in concordiam piam et perpetuam”

"That Christ may bring His church to sanctified and eternal unity"

(Philip Melanchton)